So I've probably thought of a hundred different names, topics, colors for my, LEAST a hundred! Well today, I mentioned to my husband that I would call it "My Mantel, My Choice"...he LOVED it! And to me, his opinion matters.
I decided "choice" might sound too aggressive, so I opted for "way"...and here we are..."My Mantel...My Way! The purpose of this "new and improved" blog is to share home décor ideas, projects around the house, and then the "junk drawer"...that will be a conglomeration of this and that and daily life. You didn't really think that I would focus on just one topic now did you???
So back to Josh (that's my husband for those of you who don't know)...this evening, after spending hours making the header for the blog and changing the design, etc., I mentioned that I might need to change the title...I don't want to be pigeon holed into one subject. He told me that I should keep it...his reasoning? We live in a small house...I really, LOVE to rearrange furniture! Always have!! Well, having a sectional and a small house, there's not a whole lot that can be done in the way of rearranging...BUT, I can do whatever I want with the décor! I can change out my pillows, get an area rug, change the napkins on the table...pretty much do whatever...and that includes, changing out the décor on my mantel! Which I do...very often!
So, there you have it...the reason for my new title! I think it fits and yes, every now and then, my sweet husband is a genius. So come back for décor, organization, random posts and stories of our day to day experiences. I hope you'll enjoy the company and I look forward to sharing my life with each and every one of you!!
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